Saturday, January 25, 2020
Financial Derivatives Advantages and Disadvantages
Financial Derivatives Advantages and Disadvantages CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Financial derivatives are often an efficient policy of the risk management as they are been used in modern economy worldwide. Financial derivatives grow on huge scale and very significant into well accepted definitions, measurement and the revelation of the conventional financial accounting essentials. Financial derivatives have many advantages and they have been used worldwide. Though, some risks occur in the use of financial derivatives, the management of the financial derivatives become more essential in the modern economy. With the rapid growth of the modern economy, more financial risks exists during the development process which involves the frequent use of financial derivatives, the use of the derivatives assist against potential risks and use of financial derivatives also reveals to the user a huge risk. Financial derivatives are also important through the progress of financial derivatives. Globally, the world economy is fast growing which is leading to so many difficulties in the financial derivatives worldwide which are creating more problems for financial derivatives. However this problem requires the introduction of regulatory body such as government to take over in order to supervise the financial derivatives. The supervision of financial derivatives plays a vital role in modern economy while lack of regulation in financial derivation will lead the financial market into disorder, chaos and confusion. This might destroy the entire nations economy. Financial derivatives without regulation will attract a big potential economic risk. For the financial market globally, such economic crisis affects the economy worldwide. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The Peoples Republic of China has a huge economy which is growing rapidly. There are various types of financial derivatives in china, which are widely used in the financial market. This research will analyze the financial derivative in Chinas financial market and also discuss the classic supervision (regulations) and the analysis of the performance of the supervision procedure. China financial market, its advantage and the risks that exist in the classic financial derivative in China will also be reviewed. This research will reveal major classic in the various types of financial derivatives in china and verify the uses of all the financial derivatives in order to demonstrate its performance of those financial derivatives. The supervision of financial derivatives will also lead to reviewing the Chinas financial environs. The major purpose of this research is to establish the usage of financial derivatives against the financial derivatives. The findings of the research from both the financial derivatives and role of supervision in China will provide an overall insight in the China financial market and also conclude by making some recommendation on the usage of financial derivation and the status of the supervision of financial derivatives in China. STRUCTURE OF THE RESEARCH This research reviews the overall literature on financial derivative in the past with a focus on the impact of the financial derivative, the benefits of the practise of financial derivative and the potential risk of the use of financial derivative. The supervision of the financial derivative analysis will be reviewed with the use of Journals and report. Subsequently, this research work will focus on the case study for the research methodology; the case study is Chinas financial market. This research model information is gathered from both Chinas financial market and the supervision of the financial derivatives in China. Information is however collated in china using the position of a standard financial derivative in China. Using the position of a standard financial derivative in China, the analysis of financial market in China is reviewed with some journals and reports which were used as the data in support of the research and the most vital data is collected by the Chinese national statistics. The research will use both the qualitative and quantitative analysis method, this used to analyse the research data. From the research of classic financial derivative that is practised in China and the supervision of its financial derivatives. This research will adopt the SLEPT method (Social factor, Legal factor, Economic factor, Political factor and Technological factor) to review the countrys financial markets while the SWOT (Strengthen, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) method will be used in reviewing the financial derivative in the direction of the Chinas financial market, the functions of the supervision of the financial derivatives in China will also be reviewed. Finally, there will be brief conclusions and provide some recommendations on both China financial for market and supervision of the financial derivatives. The limitations of the study will be highlighted and references for further reading will also be listed at the end of this research. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL DERIVATIVE Financial derivatives have direct influence on the organization as it is a good policy of risk management. Froot et al (1993) observed that the peak level of investment and capital spending are selected at the same time. They recommend that financial cost risk management should have a particular dominant goal; this enables the company to have access to cash to make price improving investments. The risk management model rely on the fundamental premises that the essentials of establishing corporate value is creating good investment and the essentials to creating good investment is generating adequate cash within, in order to use it to find those investments. Nance et al (1993) and Mian (1994) discover statistically important clear relationship between the tax credits and the practise of risk management instruments. Dolde (1995) reported a clear and an important relation between tax loss carry forwards and the practise of risk management instrument which include hedging. Bhandari (1997) found that calls for supervision through a rise in legislation are not generally accepted. Although the main focus of the supervisory body is that the stability of inter market could be strictly undermined without greater supervision. Guay (1999) studies financial derivatives responsibilities in organizations by initiating derivatives practises. The outcomes were consistent with organization practising derivatives to hedge and not to expand, entity risk. Organization risk is measured in different ways which reduces following the use of derivatives. The study observes a decrease in risks and decisions to introduce derivatives programs vary from hedging. The outcome highlights the significance of hedge accounting laws that incorporate the influence of derivatives and hedged items at the same time. Fender (2000) discovered some basics of corporate finance of monetary economics examine the influence of corporate risk management policies on the monetary transmission system. They employed an easy model of a financial speed up to sort the information asymmetries, they are the core of the entire models of the transmission system, it establish motivation for corporate hedging activities, that is cash flow administration, they realise that these principles, in turn, reduce the influence of monetary policy degree which is lower to the clear cost of capital effect. Billing (2002) described the reasons behind the protection and enlightened on how auditors should review the different problems raised from the utilisation of financial instrument. Heilliar et al (2004) accessed the influence of financial reporting standard 13: Derivatives and different financial instruments, implementations and disclosures which focus is on the treasury department responsibilities. The researchers deliberately conduct interviews with the workers of the UK treasury department in order to review their behaviours towards and observed the impact of FRS 13. At large, the treasurer reply at an advantage to the standard and carefully reviewed the narrative disclosure to be specifically useful. The numerical disclosures were comprehensive and focused. The rapid growth in the financial derivatives also has an influence on Chinas financial market. Ba Shusong (2004) believes that financial derivatives have played a vital role in the growth of Chinas market. Subsequently, El-Masry (2006) stated that big firms often used derivatives than average or smaller firms, public companies often use derivatives than the private companies. The use of derivatives is ultimate in the midst of international firms. The findings reveals that most firms that do not use derivative instrument is attributed to the fact their experiences are not important and the major reasons they avoid derivatives are, they focus on the experiences required by FASB rules under derivatives activity, fees of creating and sustaining derivatives activities go beyond the expected profit, foreign exchange risk is often managed with derivatives and interest rate risk is often managed with derivatives and interest rate risk is risk that is subsequently managed risk and the study reveals that the main reason for the use of hedging with derivatives is supervising the volatili ty in liquidity. Bartram (2006) explores the incentive and use of non financial firms with respect to using options in managing risk activities. The study realized that an important number of 15 55% of the companies not within the financial sector practise the options which shows the fact that options are very flexible risk management instrument which can be useful to hedge different types of exposures both linear and non-linear, it also discovered that it rely on the correlation between price and quantity risk, the optimal hedge portfolio involve different combination of both linear and non linear risk management instruments. The accounting ways and the effects of liquidity can influence the selection of derivatives. Eckstein et al (2008) studied the impact of organization using derivatives which applies Statement of Financial Account Standards (SFAS) no 133; it shows the degree of cumulative effects of differences in accounting formulas from the annual income statement adopted, market response to earnings pronounced and the major effect of financial ratio. The outcome reveals that the important negative unpredicted returns were noticed around earnings pronouncement dates. Abnormal earnings correlate with the cumulative effect instead of the differences in earnings per share from operations which reveals that surprises connected to changes in accounting, it is also established that companies with resources unrealized profit and losses are connected to hedging with derivative instrument. THE MERITS OF FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES There are several advantages of financial derivatives from 1990s McAllister and Mansfield (1998) studies the responsibilities and ability of financial derivatives investment property portfolio management and also focus on the difficulties of direct investment in commercial property. They also analyse and the major principles and all different types of derivatives, they rounded it up that the possibilities of financial derivatives to mitigate most of these difficulties which are connected to direct property investment that are studied. They also decided on Property Index Certificates (PIC) have been narrowed by down with shareholders and ought to produce rise in interest rate and the use of derivatives product within the assets both in the UK and global institutional shareholders. Tyler and Stanley (2002), Counter Sheedys call for further readings through the practical examination of the equity derivatives market in US and UK, quarrelling that while link in this market do, to a certain degree, showing features a typical of broader and indeed inherent, to over-the-counter derivative exchange. After that, Zivney et al (2006) discovers the possibilities of using dividend plans by individual shareholders. This plan was raised from the 2003 tax law changes which reduce tax rates on dividends received while abandoning the short term tax rate on capital losses unaffected. Freeman et al 2006, realize that the credit derivatives market is control by high ranking banks and insurance firms that engage in business among themselves. The growth of credit derivatives market develops into more liquid and transparent. Freeman emphasized that there are various easy and practical ways in which organisation can use credit derivatives to manage risk to show the empirical strengths and weakness of a particular approach. Klimczak (2008) produced a detailed assessment of the main contemporary firms hedging theories. The study focused on a sample of 150 companies listed on the Warsaw stock exchange which shows features shared by companies using hedge. RISKS ATTACHED TO FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES From the above literature review it is no gain saying that financial derivatives are advantageous on risk manages of finance. However, some risk occurs in the operation of financial derivatives. Financial derivatives have been faced with so many criticisms this mostly is due to large loose because of leverage and borrowing. Laker (2008) examined that as the derivatives permit shareholders to earn huge returns from small movement in the basic assets price. Though shareholder might lose more money if the basic asset price moves against them drastically and the financial derivatives might expose shareholders to counter party risk and all types of financial derivatives have different risks at different level to this effect. Also financial derivatives will stand as an unsuitable large amount of risk for little and mostly for shareholders who lack experience as financial derivatives offers chances of huge rewards and so many attractions even to individual shareholders. However, speculation under derivatives most presumes a great deal of risk consisting commensurate experience and good market idea which favours a small shareholders, this is the purpose why some financial advisers are opposing the use of these instruments. Derivatives are complicated instrument as forms of insurance in transferring risk among a ll parties involve which presume an additional risk. Laker further identified that financial derivatives often have a huge estimated value, as a result of that there is a high level of risk and shareholders might lose much without been compensated. As stated by Berhire Hathaway inc. (2002) on the annual report, that there is a possibility that this could result in a chain reaction and subsequently in an economic crisis. Also Rawles (2006), financial derivatives enormously leverage within the economy, which makes it more complex for the basic real economy to facilitate its debt requirement and restricting the real economic functions which often lead to economic recession. THE SUPERVISION OF FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES ANALYSIS The supervision of the financial derivatives should be acknowledged as both the advantage and risk that are present in financial derivatives. Though, there are few journals which analyse the supervision of financial derivatives, in the late 1990s, Shah (1996), identified that in the rise of huge losses from derivatives dealers and end users in modern years, many issues are being highlighted as regards the regulatory structure that is necessary to supervise and control the use of derivatives, it disagree that the principle in which the issue can be resolved by strict internal policies whereas regulators assume it is necessary for more precise oversight is misplaced though it still can be use for hedging, Derivatives involves high risk technology which often pose problems for regulations and its functions. Recently, Kern (2001) identified that the global regulation of financial markets became obvious in the 1970s with regards to post Bretton Woods liberalisation of financial markets. The removal of the fixed exchange rate equal the outcome of gold in the privatisation of finance risk, which established tension to eliminate the functions of cross border capital movements and more deregulation of the financial market. However, there is need for general regulatory body to build safe and reliable financial institutions such as bank through an efficient management as systemic risk in general market. Also it is necessary for international standards of supervision to also be acknowledged to avoid solvent in the financial institutions in one jurisdiction from the business to collapse to a less reputable institutions functioning in other jurisdictions whose rules only allowed cut rate financial services and more risky financial functions. The privatization of financial risk leads to establishme nt of financial institutions to blow out their risks over to many resources and functions which lead to an important rise in short term cross border portfolio asset which could reveal capital importing nation to increase system risk which was cause by volatility of such investments. Gilnen Tabak (2007) established a new substitute for gathering information on risks that exists in financial institutions which assist in analysing the risk tools which are found in risk management. This method assists risk managers, supervisors in analysing the potential risk in financial institutions because of derivatives position. The main idea is the linear financial instrument which is also referred to the traditional method often used by management risk system it assist in decreasing roles in risk factors and defend the responsibilities of financial derivatives while the non-linear instrument have roles with different options which are represented as clear as European options. The study shows the proposed method captured the risk occurrence in policies that consists of options with an accepted error margin. CHAPTER 3 DATA ANALYSIS AND METHODOLOGY CASE STUDY The case study of this research will be the the Republic of Chinas financial market; this research analysis will focus on the Chinas financial market, together with the growth of the socialist market of the real economic structure. Chinas financial market is growing with the ongoing exploration. Currently, Chinas financial Market is essentially established as a pure division of the financial system. Chinas financial Market has started forming and many financial commercial have been developed, this includes Bonds, Stock and commercial bills. The capital loan and a bargain securities markets were established steadily after 1985. During the 1988, treasury bonds were established in the transfer market in major and average cities in china. In 1990 shanghai stock exchange was created and 1991 Shenzhen stock exchange was also created. Both stock exchange in 1999, release 98 A shares and 117 subsidiary shares, increasing 87.7 billion Yuan, which increase the total number of companies listed to 976; the aggregate increase in foreign capital is about US$610Million with the use of issuing B and H shares. China releases 1.5Billion Yuan of A shares which can be transferred into bonds. In 1994, 94.1 billion Yuan was realised from issuing and selling stocks. The level of the transaction in the stock exchange by 1999 surpass 5,000 billion Yuan and it was summed up to about 401.5billion Yuan which was the value of government bonds issued and 191.1 billion Yuan was government bonds value in cash. This fund has successfully improved the financial status of the listed companies and a rise in the sources of money for technological transformation of the public banks and financial markets. In recent years, the financial market in China has been undergoing a rapid growth, Neftci and Yuan, Michelle (2006), stated that China financial markets shows about $2 trillion and are anticipating the market to grow to about $10trillion by 2008, the china financial market continues to expand its investment with a view to ensure that their operations are successful. RESEARCH AND DATA COLLECTION There are different types of financial derivatives found in Chinas financial market which are vital for the growth of Chinas financial market. The use of the financial derivatives has led to many financial difficulties in the rapid growth of the financial system, there is need for regulators to be more effective and implement more laws on the supervision of the financial derivatives. This will help to determine and regulate the stability of both the China financial market and the supervision of financial derivatives in china. Classic materials similar to the financial market and financial derivatives in China will be used as a guide. Other source of materials will be from the internet, textbooks and journals. This research work is structured to determine the supervision of the financial derivatives in China. The China financial market is chosen as a case for the analysis. The source of the main data is from China, National Statistics of China; and few of the firms annual report will be used for the data analysis. This research work will further focus on the nature of the Chinas financial market and the outcome of the financial derivatives in China and the supervision structure of the financial derivatives in China. The SLEPT (refer to Social factor, Legal factor, Economic factor, Political factor, Technological factor) method will be used to examine the general system of the China financial market, it will also focus on the classic findings of financial derivatives and also on China financial system in order to examine the nature of the financial market in China. From the results, the research will be based on the nature of the financial derivatives in China to examine the impact, introdu ction, growth, transactions and practise of the financial derivatives on the Chinas financial market. This research will also examine the supervision of financial derivatives in Chinas financial market in agreement with related articles and also to make some recommendation on the supervision of the financial derivatives in China. DATA ANALYSIS The qualitative and quantitative methods are both used to analyze the data. Under the qualitative analysis method, the materials such as journals and all information gathered from the internet are related to Chinas financial market and the supervision of financial derivatives, the report of the classic financial organisation will all be gathered as part of the qualitative assistance to the analysis. Some major dialogue by the classic economist in China will also be the main issues for the qualitative analysis; this is due to lack of interviews by government officials and financial managers of most firms. Generally, the secondary materials used will be part of the quantitative analysis, which will certainly show the problem of this research. As far as the quantitative analysis method is concerned, data and information will be gathered from different firms. The most significant data is gathered from the China National Statistics. Other information and data are gathered from various reports from different firms. It is difficult to make a questionnaire with this research because the research problem is comprehensive. The major source of information and data are gathered from the internet and few reports from the government are the main structure for the quantitative analysis. The major limitations are the quantitative method in this research is the lack of an individuals observations and analysis on financial markets and the supervision of the financial derivatives. CHAPTER 4 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS CLASSICAL FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES USED IN CHINA China commissioned a model in financial future exchange in 1990s. Ba Shusong (2006) stated that the core financial derivatives are the foreign exchange futures, stock index futures, warrants, convertible bonds and national debt future. Few of them do not function any more, although model is not so successful, it was importance for a lot of valuable experiences. However, with the growth in China financial market, the financial derivatives perform well and will return to China financial market and a fresh product which correspond to the requirements of the growth of economy; this will be additional expansion and will certainly play a vital role in the Chinas financial market. Foreign Exchange futures; Gregory (1995) stated that inside the foreign exchange market, each price in a market is a relative price, which shows an equal rate. In the late 1980s and from the beginning of 1990s, China was completely accommodating for financial derivatives and control method of suitable opened. From 1984, the local enterprises and companies can trade the offshore foreign exchange futures via the stock broking company. This will assist in requirement for hedging of local banks corporations and swap the foreign exchange role. The first ever foreign exchange swap of China exchange market was commissioned June 1992 in shanghai. The transaction in the foreign exchange futures in local have been displayed and developed from time to time. Later on, the Shenzhen foreign exchange centre was due for approval of foreign exchange futures transactions. (Ma Qingquan 2003). Ma Qingquan (2003) later on accessed the inner and external foreign exchange future and realized that they all have some difficulties which enabled the government of Chinese to take a bold step to resolve and restructure the foreign exchange market. From 1993 to 1995, during this era, the Chinese government has continuously ordered the closure of unlawful foreign exchange futures brokerage firms. All the local foreign exchange in China did not operate extensively due to absence of regulators which lead to failure of the implementation. National debt futures; the national debt future is another method of interest rate futures; it is after the most growth of financial futures in China. The national debt future was originally found December 1992 in china. The shanghai stock exchange commission was the first contact of national debt future. In the year 1993, the transaction scope of the general debt futures had been worn out mainly, the individuals and brokers was given access to the market. The Beijing commodity exchange also welcomes the transaction of national debt futures. However, the national debt future was unripe for development; this followed the 314 contract irregularities storm in Shanghai stock exchange in Sept 1994 and 327 contract irregularities storm in February 1995 also emerge. May 1995, concluded the transaction of national debt future which finally collapse. Convertible Bonds; Convertible bonds are part of growing process of the growth of Chinas Stock market. Basically convertible bonds have a slight resemblance with stock options. (A stock option is also known as executive stock options). Little (2008) refer to a convertible bond is a kind of bond that can be switch into shares, bonds in an issuing firm. Mostly a few pre-announced proportion which is hybrid safety with same debt and equity characteristics. Ba Shusong (2006), the convertible bonds have experienced and discovered in over a decade since its first implementation in China, they have been known with many groups and they continue to progress and grow since the growth of the recent social economy of China. The convertible bonds are financial derivatives which agree with state of the growth of China economy. It will grow more and further along with the growth of the Chinas financial market. Warrant, this is a type of derivative protection that gives the owner the ability to buy security direct from the issuer at a given price within a specific period. Warrant are mostly part in a fresh issue which is refer to sweetener this is just to attract the shareholder. Between 1992 to 1996, China has commissioned a lot of warrants, which include sock warrant La Dai Fei, others are Ba oan 93 and Fuzhou East in Shanghai stock market while others warrant was also commissioned in Shenzhen stock market. This include Gui Liugong, Xia Haifa, Min minding, Xiang Zhongyi. However, because of the uncontrolled speculation of warrants, there are important speculations in the drop prices of warrants. The operations of the warrants were dismissed by the national regulatory body in June 1996. The reason for the dismissal is due to the absence of regulators of the financial derivative. Hence, it is observed that the supervision and regulation on all types of Financial derivative is very important than the operation of the financial derivative. As soon as financial derivatives is in operation there is need for government to present a supervision in order to regulate the operations and function of financial derivatives therefore the financial derivatives will grow with health except if it will be dismissed at the closing stages due to the disorder of the financial market. In conjunction with the reform of the part construct of warrants, the issue of the warrants were present in the outline again. This is due to bearish and bullish choices with the features of the warrants. It has been an efficient way in the movement for safety of the interests of investors and simultaneously, it leads to a rise in flexible payment of the price of the movement of non-investors. According to Xu Peng (2007) since 2007, 27 warrants have been registered in shanghai and Shenzhen stock market. Stock Index Futures; In March 1993, stock index futures surfaced in Chinas Hainan securities and exchange center, which showed as Shenzhen composite index and Shenzhen A share index. This is in line with the global practise, such as creation of deposit system. Unfortunately, stock market was not huge enough; the trading activities stopped functioning in the same 1993 due to speculation inside the market. Ba shusong (2006) further stated that 14years after, (April 2007), After the official commissioning of the Future Exchange Management Regulations, the stock index futures has reverted given that it has been compelled to shut down 14years earlier. This revert will certainly become an important discussion for everyone and local institutions. STANDARD SUPERVISION OF FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES USED IN CHINA The standard supervision of financial derivatives in China can be categorise into 3, namely, the Risk management, this is the major body of the supervision of financial derivatives, the core regulator of the financial market which is a vital way to regulate the financial derivatives and the creation of rules for financial derivatives which is protection for the supervision of the financial derivatives. RISK MANAGEMENT This involves the risk management of the market, the risk management of credit, risk management of liquidity, risk management of operation and legal risk management. Risk management of market; this is referred to as the loss in the rise and fall of interest rates, exchange rate and stock prices. Market risk management shows the status of a bank in a market in order to increase the number of frequency and duration of the market estimation. Lu wendao (2007), refer this technique of market risk appraisal used in China financial market is to compute the potential of changes in the market price, the exposure of risk and to grow contingency policies in order to enable the right of assessment and to accept the changes in the market. Risk management of credit; The risk management of credit failure is to implement derivatives agreements or breach of contract of financial derivatives credit risk which means when the financial institutions such as banks decide to emulate a transaction which is in agreement with certain regulations. It is recommended that bank should focus more on risk diversification rather than avoiding more concentration of transactions. The risk management of liquidity; Xu and Peng (2007), man
Friday, January 17, 2020
Deschooling Essay
In the contemporary society, many people believe that as an integrated part of society, the purpose of education is to capacitate individuals to reach their full potential as human beings, individually and as members of a society. These individuals will receive education which will enable them to think and act intelligently and prepare them for community life (Literacy Philosophy, 2012). However, Ivan Iillich proposes the notion of ââ¬Ëdeschoolingââ¬â¢ which he thinks the rights of learning for most people are taken away because of the obligation to attend school (Illich, 1971). The deschooling thesis calls for ââ¬Å"the disestablishment of the norm mandating institutionalized educationâ⬠(Kahn & Kellner, 2007, p. 438). The school is in crisis and will not last for much longer. In this essay, I intend to provide a critical overview of Illichââ¬â¢s main ideas of ââ¬Ëdeschoolingââ¬â¢, and explain how his vision is relevant to todayââ¬â¢s views on the purpose of education. The thesis of Illichââ¬â¢s notion of deschooling is ââ¬Å"universal education through schooling is not feasibleâ⬠(Illich, 1971, p. vii). He explains if people are educated in the institutions which are built on the style of present schools, education will be no longer feasible (Illich, 1971). Instead of facilitating knowledge to learners, school takes away peopleââ¬â¢s abilities and desire to learn. More precisely, the increase on educational expenditure is gradually growing inefficiently which makes some children do not have the opportunity to study at school (Illich & Verne, 1976). Most people wrongly believe the more money spends on education, the better education students can receive. Nevertheless, Illich (1971) contends the money spends on education is insufficient to improve the teaching quality and the performance of students who have disadvantages. Aiming at increasing the equality of receiving education, many governments provide funds to those schools with many students from low- income families. However, the tremendous costs of schools force the governments to provide more funds to those schools. The poorer students need funds to enable them to learn, but normally the funds are spent on the development of the school rather on the poor students themselves (Illich, 1971). Illich (1971) indicates that school gives ââ¬Å"unlimited opportunity for legitimated waste, so long as its destructiveness goes unrecognized and the cost of palliatives goes upâ⬠(p. 10). So the money is insufficiently spent. As a result, children from poor families still cannot receive the opportunity to go to school. In some developing countries, some children even do not have the opportunity for the most basic education. However, Illich (1971) states that even in schools with equal quality, the poorer students still cannot catch up with the rich as an effect of relative poor financial conditions. The poor parents cannot afford to pay their childrenââ¬â¢s tuition fees and books. Some filed trips or vacation travels which are good for studentsââ¬â¢ learning, are unreachable for the poorer children. It is obvious that the poorer children are self-abased. In general, the poorer students fall behind as long as they depend on school for learning (Illich, 1971). Moreover, in some nations, some parents even do not allow their children to attend school. Even more essentialis the fact that some parents deliberately keep their children at home, or wink at their staying away from school. Sometimes this is a matter of sheer economic necessity. Parents are often forced to rely on children as a means of supplementary support. They need their children to work. So in those countries, only a small number of children attend to school although hundreds of thousands money have been spent to make the school attendance higher (Illich, 1971). Reimer (1971) who has the same opinions about school as Illich describes ââ¬Å"schools are simply too big to treat concretelyâ⬠(p. 10). There are too many people in the school institutions. In turn, individuals may have bad habits which they learn from others in the school. So some parents may worry about the harmful habits that their children may learn from school. In sum, schools limit studentsââ¬â¢ abilities to learn to a certain extent. Another illusion, which Illich thinks most people have, is ââ¬Å"learning is the result of teachingâ⬠(Illich, 1971, p. 12). He argues schools cannot possibly achieve their goal of promoting learning. Schools often teach students that instruction produces learning; yet learning is the result of personal activity, not the result of instruction (Illich, 1971; Gintis, 1972). Specifically, most people not only acquire knowledge inside school but also need to learn more about extracurricular knowledge outside the formal schools, which cannot be taught by teachers in the class. For example, if a person wants to learn a second language, he can travel to other countries and live with local people. Speaking under a good language environment can make him speak well than just sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher. Therefore, individuals can reclaim responsibility for their own learning away from the constraints of the educational institutions. People are often taught that valuable learning is the result of attendance, the more classes students attend, the better grades they will get. However, some students attend school and study every day, but they still cannot get good grades and certificates. School takes away peopleââ¬â¢s desire to learn. Thus, like all other bureaucratic service institutions, ââ¬Å"schools fail by their very natureâ⬠(Gintis, 1972, p. 85). Illich also emphasizes his opinions about alternatives to schools. In terms of alternatives in education beyond the official system, Illich considers learning exchanges as an effective way for people to learn where people are able to make contact with each other to teach or learn, ââ¬Å"without the need to enrol at some institutions offering formal coursesâ⬠(R. Small, Ivan Illich and de-schooling, April 5, 2013). He proposes the network of ââ¬Ëlearning websââ¬â¢ to replace school. Moreover, he regards skill exchanges as an essential way to ââ¬Å"provide people who want to learn a skill with access to those persons who have mastered the skill and have the ability to demonstrate itâ⬠(Arsdall, 1975, p. 31). Training skill teachers are quite expensive. A person who wants to be a teacher needs to get the certificate for teaching. Therefore, there are merely a small number of teachers who have potential skills. From Illichââ¬â¢s point of view, everybody who has a skill can also teach it and share with others. Even the best businessmen and artists are more skillful, talented and creative than most of the arts and business teachers (Illich, 1971). Consequently, people do not need to learn skills from teachers. He also states the professionals who engage in operating educational institutions must be replaced by a new breed of ââ¬Å"educatorsâ⬠. The proposed educators should be able to ââ¬Å"create and operate the various educational networksâ⬠(Arsdall, 1975, p. 32). Further, the opportunities for skill-learning are multiplied. People are able to learn skills effectively from different people. Additionally, learning exchanges are more economical than schools, and they are cheaper or even free so that everyone can share in them (Reimer, 1971). The sharing of skills can easily motivate people to learn by guaranteeing freedom to teach or exercise them on request (Arsdall, 1975). On the other hand, some people staunchly oppose Illichââ¬â¢s idea of deschooling society. In contrast to Illichââ¬â¢s opinion of againsteducational institutions, those opponents argue that schools are necessary for the society. Many people respond to the controversial theses against schools published in Deschooling Society (Zaldivar, 2011). Amongst those critics who take part in the debate, Paul Goodman most radically oblige Illich to revise his thinking. Goodman thinks there are some problems for schools, but schools should be improved instead of being disestablished. Other critics claim that Illichââ¬â¢s opinion of alternatives is ideal and unable to be applied in practice. As a matter of fact, the alternatives offered by Illich are ââ¬Å"often disqualified, seen as utopian and with no practical directionâ⬠(Zaldivar, 2011, p. 621). Besides, according to Greer (1971), the most pivotal mistake in Deschooling Society is that Illich upholds disestablishing school, but he does not propose the effective instruction for transforming the most important educational institutions (cited in Zaldivar, 2011). Further, as one of the most significant critical texts against Illich theses, Gintis represents the most articulated critique of Iillich studies in his essay entitled Toward a Political Economy of Education: A Radical Critique of Ivan Illichââ¬â¢s Deschooling Society (Zaldivar, 2011). Gintis (1972) critiques Iillichââ¬â¢s Deschooling Society, argue that, ââ¬Å"from the fact that schools do not promote learning, however, Illich does not conclude that schools are simply irrational or discardable. Rather, he asserts theircentral role in creating docile and manipulable consumers for the larger societyâ⬠(p. 3). In addition, according to Small (2013), the solutions such as increased funding, special programmes and new curriculum approaches, which Illich thought inefficient are still being advocated today. With respect to learning exchanges system, it has been proved work reasonably well with arts and crafts, as well as learning other languages, but it might be useless for scie nces or other academic subjects. However, some of Illichââ¬â¢s opinions are relevant to todayââ¬â¢s education. His negative definition of schooling indicates the problems of education in the present day. Everybody should have an equal chance to education. Yet, it is undeniably true that in the poor nations, especially in some poverty-stricken rural areas, some school-age children cannot go to school because of lack of financial support. Many kids drop out of school because they cannot pay the fee every year. In this case, Illichââ¬â¢s view of education offers a multi-pronged critique of schooling, reflects the shortcomings and defects of modern education in equality. Furthermore, with respect to public purpose of schooling, schools are supposed to educate positive values to students (Reimer, 1971). It is a general recognition that the purpose of modern education is to cultivate qualified talents in both ability and integrity. Nevertheless, in the specific educational practices, schools cannot fully play a positive role in education; sometimes even have a negative effect on students. For example, teachers tell students to be friendly with others, but outside the classroom, some teachers even denigrate other teachers in public. It has a negative influence on students. In addition, Ivan Illichââ¬â¢s concern with learning webs, which he calls educational or learning webs, has struck a chord among many people. According to Smith (2001), Illichââ¬â¢s propose of learning exchange is an approach to find some enthusiastic proponents within non-formal education. As the best example of a learning exchange, the world-wide web enables people to gain access to any learning resource which may help him to define and reach his own goals (Smith, 2001; Small, 2013). It appears certain that technologies like computers have driven the current construction of education. With the development of technology, it is possible for students to develop their own weblogs and get resources on line by themselves. With Internet students can share their personal diaries, discuss what they are reading, learning and doing in relation to coursework, post hyperlinks to useful Internet sites, debate over issues being discussed in class or of current topical interest(Kahn & Kellner, 2007). As a consequent, communications among young peers are highly developed. According to Nussbaum (2004), online learning exchanges become a highly involved and interesting cultural forum (cited in Kahn & Kellner, 2007). So Illichââ¬â¢s conceptions of ââ¬Ëwebs of learningââ¬â¢ have a significant implication on education in the present age. Illichââ¬â¢s notion of deschooling reflects todayââ¬â¢s view of education. In conclusion, Illichââ¬â¢s critiques of the school and call for the deschooling of society have caused great repercussions among many workers and alternative educators (Smith, 2001). Although many people oppose his vision of deschooling society and some of his ideas have been proved to be unsuccessful, his work can provide ââ¬Å"new insight into ongoing studies of modernityâ⬠(Zaldivar, 2011, p. 24). Further, his propose of educational webs or networks connected with an interest in ââ¬Ënon-formalââ¬â¢ approaches has a considerable influence on peopleââ¬â¢s understanding of searching for new formal educational institutions except schools. It is no doubt that some of his views retain considerable and thought-provoking power (Smith, 2001). What we should consid er carefully is to think how we can improve modern education effectively in the future with Illichââ¬â¢s suggestions and proposals.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Critical Analysis Of Oedipus The King - 1025 Words
Critical Analysis: Oedipus the King Oedipus the King is a tragic play showing a shift from the belief of fate to freedom of choice. Therefore, Oedipus the king is a great example of those who run from fate ends up fulfilling their fate After reading this type of tragic play ââ¬Å"Oedipus the Kingâ⬠written by Sophocles you can see that the author did a very outstanding form of presenting a tragedy that has the characteristics of mimesis and a tragic hero. Specifically, the writer written the play that would leave many readers to be able to relate to and have a character whom characteristics are noble and basically good. A purpose of tragedy is ââ¬Å"catharsisâ⬠. In other words, the main reason for a tragedy in a play is to purge an individual ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In the end, however, Oedipusââ¬â¢ hubris ways led to his tragic reality. He lost his wife. He lost his eyesight. He lost his children. He lost his kingship. With all his confidence and his pers istence, he uncovered the riddles of his life and found out that he was the boy born of Laius and Jocasta who was the subject of the prophecy. His intelligence, pride and confidence led to this discovery, which resulted in him losing everything that he had which in the end he fulfilled his fate. The most crucial point in the play ââ¬Å"Oedipus the kingâ⬠was the fact that Oedipus was completely unaware that he killed his own father. He had a mission to find out who was his fatherââ¬â¢s killer. Effectively the more Oedipus was motivated and with his excessive confidence in knowing the truth of who killed his father, the play began to unravel and starts to fit together like the pieces of a puzzle that Oedipus was known for figuring out. The more he pushed in finding who his father killer was the more he was towards his reality of terror. The place where three roads meet was the place where Laius was killed and the place where Oedipus, himself had killed a man. He thought h is father was a man named Polypus, the king of Corinth yet a man had shouted out at a banquet that he was not his fatherââ¬â¢s son. He was given a apprehension of ââ¬Å"a future great with pain, terror, disasterâ⬠¦You are fated to couple with your mother, you will bring a breed of childrenShow MoreRelatedOedipus : The King Of Thebes And Tragic Hero Essay728 Words à |à 3 PagesOedipus: The King of Thebes and Tragic Hero Ancient Greek Literature encompasses an assortment of poetry and drama to include the great masterpieces of tragedy. In Classic Literature, tragedies were commonly known for their elaboration of a protagonist fitting the classification of a tragic hero. This type of a tragic hero often collectively described as a character of noble birth, facing an adversity of some nature and a fate of great suffering. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Mexican American War A Forgotten Fight - 2241 Words
The Mexican-American War: A Forgotten Fight Thesis: The Mexican-American War was a leading factor in the cause of the American Civil War through the acquisition of new territory along with the concept of Manifest Destiny and the effects of this war can even be felt to this day. There were several factors that lead to the beginning of the war, some of which were political and others were violent. One of the political factors involved the relations between the United States and Mexico in the years leading up to the war. These relations were becoming increasingly strained as time went on. This was due to the fact that Texas, which was still independent at this time, rejected Mexicoââ¬â¢s offer of recognition and instead accepted the U.S.ââ¬â¢s offerâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(27). Santa Anna was not only power hungry, but also very egotistical. Kelly Howes proves this in Mexican-American War by describing the time he lost his left leg in 1838 when fighting the French. He had the leg buried with full military honors to show that he was a war hero (61). Auburn University Montgomery professor of history Timothy Henderson gives two reasons in the text A Glorious Defeat pertaining to why Mexico did not just negotiate from the beginning. The first was that it would be allowing the U.S. to get away with expanding at will, and it seemed it would be mean having to negotiate with political opponents (191). The violent causes of the war included many revolutions and changes of leaders in Mexico in the years preceding the war. There were revolts in 1810 and 1821. The Mexican Empire was overthrown in 1824. After this, many leaders and governments rose and fell. Santa Anna held power from 1832-1837 and was then exiled. As mentioned previously, he returned to power in 1846 (Singletary 17-18, 27). Santa Anna himself was a cause of American distrust of Mexico, as he was the one who led the slaughter of the defenders of the Alamo in Texas years earlier (Singletary 15). He also ordered the execution of the three-hu ndred American soldiers under General James Farrin at Goliad, who
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